Answers are always promised, but when these arrive, they resolve little and pose more questions.
Tag - metro
Back where we started with the Cambourne to Cambridge busway
You can let politicians know you want a change of course for the Cambourne to Cambridge busway.
Response to the CPIER Interim Report
The Smarter Cambridge Transport response to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Review's interim report.
Cambridgeshire’s confused governance is hampering transport policy
How can anything work in Cambridgeshire when five bodies have responsibilities and receive funding for transport?
We’re at a tipping point in the south of Cambridge
What’s the answer? We’ve been shouting it from the rooftops for nearly three years.
Start with the quick wins
Let's see action on interventions that can make a difference now, while the Combined Authority gets the longer term strategy right.
What we need right now is not a busway
For South Cambridgeshire residents, what's needed are attractive, comfortable, reliable and flexible public transport options from close to where people live.
When is a bus not a bus?
The Mayor has maintained that buses aren't the answer for the Cambridge area, so the consultants have wheeled out something vaguely called a 'metro'.